Sunday, January 4, 2009

Drift Creek Falls

On the way up for the Sunday Drift Creek Falls hike, we had to stop at Fogarty Creek for some agate hunting. We got there while the tide was still somewhat high, but managed to come across a rather large rock bed. Jered found the biggest agate ever! So big it can't even be shown on the Internet. Daisy found nothing.
We happened to come across two sea stars that may have accidentally let go of their rock home. We placed them back in the water in this mussel tide pool. I figured that would give them the best chance.

People were coming, so Daisy had to get back on her leash just as we were leaving the beach. It is usually better to have her under control on the way back, she has a tendency to sniff all the way back, which can end up taking some time.
We made it miles up behind Lincoln City to Drift Creek Falls trailhead. It was cold. Only one other car was parked at the trailhead. We passed them returning to their car at the very beginning of the hike, so we knew then that we had the trail to ourselves.

The view of the falls start in the middle of the magnificent bridge.

Daisy did not think the bridge was very cool.

Then to top off the great started snowing on us!


  1. I love that hike! The bridge at the end is so cool, but kinda freaky...

    Daisy has the cutest dog face I've ever seen!!
