Monday, December 15, 2008

The snow stuck around for a day, yay!

In the morning we woke up to see that the snow had actually stuck! Daisy was very excited! The snow stuck to the hair in between her toes, which I assume that she didn't like too much. Other than that, she was jumping around like she was a puppy again.

Although I could have stayed home and played with her all day, we decided to go into work anyway. Luckily, Jered was kind enough to drive me to work, so I didn't have to slip and slide all over the road.
I love icicles! They are so pretty.

I had to go see if there was snow on the beach once I got to work. The storm from the weekend had pushed a ton of logs up the creek. At least it made for a pretty picture. The new bridge is all done, and it looks great.
The day use meeting hall was covered also. The roof was torn off a week or so ago, only to discover way more damage than ever anticipated. The tarps on the roof kept the snow out luckily.
It is crazy to see snow on the beach.
Looking north, Gull Rock and Devil's Punchbowl on the cape.

The sun was attempting to peek out through the thick, dark clouds.

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